02a Breed Notes – Trophies 2025

Gill Brunt has finally got all the claims for the NoEKC’s Annual Cups and Trophies sorted and the results for 2024 are as follows:
The Kultz Trophy for Top Kennel went to Devonia with 184 points; the Galdrik Cup’s Top Stud Dog was Ch Divnyi Drug Dar with 90 points and the Galdrikette Cup for Top Brood Bitch was won by Devonia Black Pearl with 114 points.

The Vanglede Memorial Trophy for most wins at Club Shows went to Ch Kichigai Only The Lonley with 25 points; the Duroya Trophy for top winning dog without a CC to Devonia Hakuna Matata with 139 points and the Ch Waakzaam Waalre Trophy for the Breeder of Top Junior was Kirsten & Susan Cullen.

The Ruyde of Rayverne Goblet for the Dog or Bitch winning most RCC’s was Ch Winklestar Alsephina via Lacetrom with 5 RCC’s and there were no claims for the Keetah Trophy for Top Junior Handler.

The Boreasvale Memorial Trophy for Top Veteran was won by Ch Kichigai’s Only The Lonley with 187 points; the ‘Ferris’ Cup for Top Stud at Club shows was Ch Divnyi Drug Dar and the Shelderon Cup for Top Brood at Club shows by Almaznyi Istochnik Tropicheskaya Noch.

The Enreveyar Coffee Set for Our Dog’s Top Dog was Ch Kichigai’s Only The Lonley and the Enreveyar Cup for Our Dog’s Top Puppy was Ch Skylines Outlander at Lekkerbek. Full details of all the winners can be found on the Club’s web site.

A reminder please to all those who have yet to pay your subs – they are now due!! Joint membership is £13 and single is £9. Details on how to pay by bank transfer can be found amongst all the Club’s ‘stuff’ recently sent out or you can drop me an email for the info.

The schedule for the Club’s Open Show is now available on Have A Dog Day with on-line entries only closing at midnight 31st January 2025. It is being held at Netherton Village Hall, WF4 4LR and the Open Show Judge is Jenny Shorer-Wheeler, with Cathy Proctor doing the SAC.
The Club’s AGM will be held beforehand starting at 11.00am to which only paid-up members are entitled to attend. The show opens at 11.30am and the SAC judging will start at 12.00pm with the open show following on.
There will be hot food and refreshments and any raffle prizes will be gratefully received!

Anji Marfleet