04 Breed Notes – Manchester 2018

At Manchester Gavin Robertson (Soletrader) was judging Keeshonds for the first time and we were second in the ring after Mini Schnauzers. Judging started around 12.10pm and with an entry of 15 with just 2 absentees and no entries in either Puppy Dog or Junior Bitch, it was over and done with by 1.00pm.

Best Dog with Best of Breed went to Melanie Harris’ Ch Neradmik All About The Boy For Watchkees JW ShCM (Ch Am Ch Kemonts Skylines Game Boy (imp USA) x Ch Lady Godiva’s Guilty Pleasures with Neradmik (imp Fin)) and Reserve Best Dog went to Joan Miles & daughter Sarah Dean’s Neradmik Kiss Chase With Lekkerbek (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Ch Neradmik Miss Hollyberry).

Best Bitch was Jean Sharp Bale’s young Neradmik Grace Kelly (imp Can) (Am Ch Designer’s Fedx x Can Ch Neradmik Academy Award) with reserve going to Dawn Gregory’s Ch Amikirs Fabulicious Time JW (Eastkees Time Lord x Ch Amikirs Bubblelicious). Best Puppy was Andy and Jean Fitches’ Samoykees Gypsy Girls Moon (It Ch Prelude Tu A Kiss x Samoykees Exclusive Moon (AI)).

Utility and Toys were held on the second day and the car parking was very muddy with the ground already churned up. The caravan area wasn’t much better, with all the motorhomes having to be parked on the roadway. The one consolation is that both car parking and entry is free at Manchester; unlike some general Ch show societies who think that charging £10 to park in a muddy field is acceptable!!

Apparently there was flooding in some rings, which could have accounted for the show being somewhat ‘compact & bijou.’ As you entered the main hall you were greeted by long rows of benches; which meant that trying to reach any ring was like navigating a maze. You could see where you wanted to go, but there were either benches or rings blocking the way! Keesie benches were at the end of a very long row up against a wall, in the corner of the annexe. Not the easiest place to find or reach!

But it does make you wonder about the wisdom of assigning a championship show representative status when it is held in January. I can understand the timing – last minute qualifier for Crufts etc; but surely Boston held at the East of England Showground would be a better option? Equal distribution of CC’s doesn’t come into the equation as there is already one representative championship show held at Stafford – Birmingham National. Held just three months later, they manage by providing large marquees outside and have the benefit of more clement weather. I suppose that all will be revealed next year when Keesies have CC’s back again at Manchester Ch show after a gap of over twenty years!

The same weekend I was at an agility competition with the girls at Oakridge near Newark and I’m going to blow my own trumpet now! My Tooin (who’s nearly three) is ‘work in progress’ in agility, consistently showing far more enthusiasm than accuracy. She has never been placed nor got a clear round as clearing eleven obstacles before getting eliminated has been her best achievement so far!!

So on Sunday, not only did Tooin get her first ever placing, she did it in style by winning her class and her first ever red rosette and putting mum Olympia down into second place! I was over the moon and am now beginning to wonder if there might be light at the end of the tunnel – literally in her case!!

I had a chat with Doris Purdon this morning, who is starting to feel better after her recent hip replacement following the fall she had last week. All being well she hopes to be back at home by the weekend, so I’m sure a phone call or note from her friends will cheer her up.

Rosi Izzard’s funeral arrangements have been finalised and the service is to be held on Tuesday 20th February at 11.30am at Chelmsford Crematorium, Writtle Road, Chelmsford, CM1 3BL. Family flowers only, but any donations to Cancer UK and to be forwarded to the Funeral Directors: Daniel Robinson & Sons, Haslers Lane, Great Dunmow. CM6 1XS

And finally, don’t forget that entries for Club’s February Open Show close on Monday 29th January.

Anji Marfleet