06 Breed Notes – February 2020

This is the worst ‘Doom & Gloom’ report I have had to write in the nearly 20 years I’ve been keeping detailed records. 2019 failed to reach last year’s dismal tally of just 80 puppies being born and is probably one of the lowest numbers of puppies born since the breed was introduced into the country nearly 100 years ago.

There was a grand total of 16 litters in 2019 resulting in just 67 puppies, 34 dogs and 33 bitches with at least 12 ‘misses’ and 13 fatalities. For every mating that has resulted in a litter, there has been at least one more that hasn’t been successful. When you take into account that litter sizes are also getting smaller; with 5 litters responsible for producing more than half of the puppies (36 = 60%) and 6 litters resulting in just 9 puppies, it really doesn’t bode well for the future of the breed

Of these 16 litters born; two dogs’ sired two litters apiece, one was a repeat matings and the rest one each with just three lucky boys siring their first litter. Ten girls were also maiden bitches and 11 litters had five or fewer puppies. Three litters were conceived using AI and three litters were born via a C section.

Although there having been a fairly even number of dogs & bitches being born over the past few years, we have seen the dog classes getting sparser with fewer males being shown; whilst the bitch classes have remained fairly well filled. Yet out of the twenty sets of CC’s keesies have a year, in 2019 only 6 BOB’s have been won by the girls. So what does that have to say about the state of affairs I wonder??

For the North of England Keeshond Club’s Open show Sally Pointon has drawn an entry of 42 dogs making 46 entries and Linda Morton an entry of 22 dogs for the Special Awards classes held on Saturday, 15th February; which is after the Club’s AGM.

With regard to the AGM (which starts at 10.30am), quiet, well behaved dogs will be permitted in the hall provided that they are in place before the Chairman declares the meeting open. Exhibitors who are only attending the Open Show are requested not to enter the hall with their dogs and equipment etc before the AGM has closed and before the show opens at 12.00pm; with the judging starting at 1.00pm with the Special Award Classes. Raffle prizes will be much appreciated.

There will be refreshments and hot bacon butties available for all members of the North of England Keeshond Club attending the morning’s AGM and there will be hot & cold food as usual throughout the show in the afternoon.

The Club has decided that in order to be more environmentally friendly and to do our bit to help save the planet, that half-price refills will be offered on all drinks – either by re-using a paper cup or remember to bring your own along to use!!

Documentation for the AGM was circulated to all 2019 Members last week. Members are reminded that if they wish to participate fully in the 2020 AGM they must have paid their 2020 subscriptions by Friday 7th February. Please contact me if you wish to pay electronically.

Anji Marfleet