08 Breed Notes – February 2021

As people may be aware, the North of England Keeshond Club had been planning an outdoor Open Show on 16 May; but in the light of the Government’s roadmap for the lifting of the various lockdown restrictions, it is clear that that date is just too soon for us to be able to hold the show and it is with much regret therefore that the Committee has decided to abandon its plan.

Meanwhile, the Committee are concentrating on the two Club Ch Shows to be held in partnership with Leeds and Darlington Championship Shows and are hoping very much that these shows will be able to go ahead. The Keeshond Club are also holding their two Club Ch Shows as partnerships – Windsor and Birmingham National (with a new date in September) and also an open show at Bath which has now been moved to August.

Let’s hope that we are finally coming to the end of all the cancellations and postponements and that we can now start to put dates in our diaries with some degree of confidence.

In line with the Kennel Club’s most recent guidance concerning 2021 AGMs, Club Members will also be invited to participate in a virtual online AGM on Saturday 20 March, full details of which will sent to all Members shortly.

Andy Fitches has asked me to say that he would like all your contributions for the next edition of Walkee Talkees by the end of April at the latest.

Anji Marfleet