109 Breed Notes SKC – 2017

There are no CC’s on offer for Keeshonds at the SKC in August, so it really is an expensive glorified open show. This year we had an extra class scheduled, so there were two mixed sex classes – Puppy and Post Graduate & two Open classes.

With the non CC breeds paying £12 per dog to enter, plus a £5 car park fee to pay; it is little wonder that the entries are low. I do feel sorry for all our northern exhibitors who have to literally pay such a high price to support their local show. Judge Yvonne Rawley had an entry of just 8 dogs, with three absentees and keesies were 4th in the ring after Boston Terriers, Toy Poodles and Shih Tzus.

Best Dog with Best of Breed was Ronnie and Karen Shepherd’s Lyntova I Am Legend (IKC) (Cedarhills Shamrock Foreign Correspondent Lyntova x Lyntova Midnight Dream) with the Reserve going to their Kichigai Lord Of The Dance ShCM (Reesburg Rainbow Warrior x Thorsdale Secret Star)

Best Bitch was Tom and Caroline Gate’s 7½ years young Lacetrom Cruivie (Am Ch Summerwinds So Intoxicating of Valindale (imp USA) x Kwajongen What Katie Did at Valindale) handled by daughter Michelle Wright and Reserve Best Bitch was Wendy McKean’s Kichigai This Girl Is Mine at Yawren (Bert Von Ricara (imp DNK) ex Kichigai Special Edition) The single puppy entered was absent.

Karen and Denver finished off their day by being one of the final eight dogs short listed by Utility group judge Tom Mather.

The August Bank holiday weekend heralds the beginning of autumn and the end of the numerous local agricultural shows being held up and down the country and you can quite often get spoilt for choice with all the various events being held.

Sue Lindsay went to Pontardulais Agricultural and Horticultural Society’s open show; where her Mezanda Merry Starshower (Nor Ch Dungens Nice Guy x Mezanda Mai Starshine) won the Utility group from the AVNSC classes from judge Joy Mahoney.

I had already promised to steward for my training club’s 2 day obedience Championship show over the weekend, so missed out on going to a local companion show on the Sunday and I had managed to completely forget that I had also entered an agility show on the Friday; but at least it had only cost me £3 a class – unlike show entries!!

It was definitely untypical bank holiday weather as the whole weekend was gloriously warm and sunny; just what any outdoor event needs. I don’t know why, but I’m always surprised by the attitudes of the different canine disciplines. No in/out covered rings here, even for the 10 minute stays we were all out under the blazing sun and not a blue ‘cool coat’ in sight – obedience folk and their dogs are definitely made of sterner stuff.

Anji Marfleet