114 Breed Notes – Driffield 2017

There are no CC’s on offer for Keeshonds at Driffield where breed judge Roy Johnston had drawn an entry of 17 dogs with 4 absentees. Keesies were 2nd in the ring after Miniature Schnauzers and with both entries in Junior Dog and Post Graduate bitch absent and none entered in Good Citizen Dog, judging was over and done before lunch time.

From Open, Best Dog with Best of Breed was Peck & Matthews’ Byquy Workin Boots (Ch Wund-R-Y Workin for a Livin at Szaryk (imp Can) x Byquy Willma) handled by David Matthews.

Reserve Best Dog went to the winner of Post Graduate, Gill Brunt’s Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (Ai) (KJ’s It’s Nothing Purrsonal x Bargeway Nearly An Angel of Zandvoort)

Best Bitch was Dawn Gregory’s Ch Amikirs Bubblelicious (Eastkees Don’t Say A Word x Amikirs Arabella) with Bubbles’ daughter, Ch Amikirs Fabulicious Time JW (Eastkees Time Lord x Ch Amikirs Bubblelicious) getting Reserve Best Bitch the from Good Citizen Dog Scheme class.

Keeping it in the family, Best Puppy went to Fabby’s half-brother Kate Evans’ Amikirs Rider Of The Storm at Canterwey (Eastkees Time Lord x Amikirs Spangelicious)

The ground was an absolute quagmire, but it didn’t deter some hardy exhibitors staying on, braving the mud, as Melanie Harris & Toby, Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees JW ShCM (Ch Am Ch Kemonts Skylines Game Boy (imp USA) x Ch Lady Godiva’s Guilty Pleasures with Neradmik (imp Fin)) got a second place in the Eukanuba Champion Stakes from Judge Dave Killilea, winning a product voucher

Whilst Dawn and Fabby, Ch Amikirs Fabulicious Time JW got a 3rd place in the AV Good Citizen Dog Scheme Stakes from Judge Gary Thomas winning £15 cash prize money.

The Hon Veterinary Surgeons for our Championship Shows at Brodsworth Miners Welfare Hall Doncaster, will now be Arundell Veterinary Care, 3 Albion Place, South Parade, Doncaster DN1 2EG Tel 01302 344132 not as printed in the schedule. These details will be shown in the catalogue and on display in the hall.

Anji Marfleet