116 Breed Notes – KC Oct open 2017

The Keeshond Club held their October open show on what (unfortunately) was probably the last gloriously warm autumnal weekend of the year. The judge was Michelle Wright (Lacetrom) and she had drawn an entry of 65 keesies; maybe it was the lovely weather that was to blame for the 20 absentees. There were no entries in Minor Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, Special Yearling Dog or Novice Dog and all four entries in Open Bitch were absent.

Best Dog with Best in Show from Limit was Matthews & Peck’s Byquy Workin Boots Ch Wund-R-Y Workin for a Livin at Szaryk (imp Can) x Byquy Willma) handled by David Matthews. Reserve Best Dog went to the winner of Post Graduate, Gill Brunt’s Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (Ai) (KJ’s It’s Nothing Purrsonal x Bargeway Nearly An Angel of Zandvoort)

Best Bitch and Reserve Best in Show was Jean Sharp Bale’s young Neradmik Grace Kelly (imp Can) (Am Ch Designer’s Fedx x Can Ch Neradmik Academy Award) from Junior and Reserve Best Bitch went to the Hickson’s Ch Kichigai Magic Dancer JW (Kichigai Luke Skywalker x Kichigai Tiny Dancer) from the Breeders’ bitch class.

Best Puppy was Sue Pattison’s Eastkees Sparkling Diamond (Eastkees Time Lord x Eastkees Daisy’s Mayhem)
Best Veteran in Show Diver’s Ir Ch Kichigai Rare Edition at Murmansk (Natlou’s Young Pretender under Kichigai x Samkees One More Kiss for Kichigai)

A reminder that the entries for the North of England Keeshond Club Ch Show close on Monday 23 October and that there is still time to enter the Club’s ‘Kiddies Drawing Competition’ which is open to all children of members’ families. Entries will be judged at our Ch Show in November by Sheila Brown and there will be prizes for three age groups; up to 6 years, 7 – 10 years and 11 – 16 years.

You can enter either a drawing or painting or both in any medium and all pictures should feature a Keeshond somewhere, doing something. Please send your entries to Steve Brown at Thrislington Cottage, Station Road, West Cornforth, County Durham DL17 9ET before the 31st October 2017.

Ruth Burgess is now back at home after a spell in hospital and I’m sure a note or phone call would help to cheer her up.

Anji Marfleet