12 Breed Notes – March 2021

For the past year the NoEKC has held all its committee meetings virtually and last Saturday it was another first as it held its 2021 AGM also via Zoom – and most successful it was too! All the Officers reports etc had been previously circulated to members, so were automatically taken ‘as read’, no questions had been raised and the AGM which began with a minutes silence in remembrance of those members no longer with us finished just fourteen (yes 14!) minutes later.

There was about 20 minutes chat time beforehand whilst everyone joined in and for around 5 minutes after before the meeting was ended. It was nice to ‘see members’ who wouldn’t normally attend the AGM and the general consensus seems to be that with no travelling involved, it’s certainly the way to go. The Keeshond Club also held their virtual AGM the following day, which was also as successful.

The Kennel Club’s IT woes continue to be a saga as last weekend PetLog (which is managed by the KC) implemented a new microchipping database. It’s come as no surprise to hear that there are many reports of missing accounts, dogs not on accounts, non- recognition of microchip numbers, jammed phone lines resulting in reporting a lost or found dog taking multiple attempts to get through. It all sounds unfortunately familiar and all this at a time when dog theft is rife and identification of found dogs is vital.

Dog shows are being cancelled left, right and centre, with Crufts being the latest casualty; but I am doing my best to keep the NoEKC web site’s show calendar up to date. I’ve given up on explanations etc and the shows are now listed as cancelled, postponed or simply new date!! Some judges have been changed & some no doubt will be changed, but nothing seems to have been published by the KC. So if you have an appointment for a show that is going ahead, let me know & I’ll update the info.

The General Championship Shows all seem to be bunching up together towards the end of the ‘open season’ – September and October; so it’s to be hoped that we get an Indian summer!! With Keesies having an unprecedented set of 6 CC’s within a two week period, it’s also going to be a very expensive time of year – especially for those showing more than one dog. Forking out for multiple show entries and having to fill up petrol tanks is going to come as a bit of a shock for bank accounts and credit cards. Especially if you’re like me – I filled my van with diesel last week for the first time since the beginning of December!!

Finally a reminder that Andy Fitches is still waiting for all your contributions for the next edition of Walkee Talkees, which he would like by the end of April at the latest please.

Anji Marfleet