17 Breed Notes – WELKS 2022

At WELKS it was a bright and early start as we were 1st in ring at 9.30am for judge Liz Cartledge who last judged us at the Keeshond Club’s Ch show in 2017. Liz had drawn an entry of 32 Keesies with 10 absentees, with the lower classes being particularly sparse. There were no entries for Veteran Dog, both Minor Puppy and Yearling classes, Junior Dog, Puppy Bitch and Special Beginners Bitch.

The DCC went to Joan Miles and her daughter Sarah’s Ch Neradmik Kiss Chase with Lekkerbek (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Ch Neradmik Miss Holly Berry) whilst the RDCC went to the Post Graduate winner Olwyn Watkins’ Eerondaali Orlando (Imp Fin) (Fin Ch Eerondaali Break Every Rule x Eerondaali Ice Queen) handled as usual by Stacey.

It was a crowning third CC with Best of Breed for Wendy McKean’s Kichigai It Takes Two (Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees x Kichigai Lilac Wine) Ama won her first CC last year at SKC’s October show from judge David Cavill and her second was early this year at Manchester from Robin Searle. It was ‘one of those days’ for Wendy as she also got the CC with BoB with her Eurasier, I bet she floated back home to Scotland!

The RBCC went to Matthews & Lee’s Winklestar Aurora at Valindale (Vivids Majestic Prince of Winklestar (IMP USA) x Winklestar Serendipity) handled as usual by David. At only her second Ch show new member Susi Gardner got Best Puppy with her new boy – Keitakees Small Town Boy (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees)

At Birmingham National next Thursday (5th May) Keesies are first in the ring with a 9.00am start for Judge Tom Mather. There are several Keesie Walks coming up in the next few weeks, so check out the Club’s FB page or website for up to date details.

Anji Marfleet