20 Breed Notes – Bath 2023

At Bath we were first in the ring with a 9.00am for our judge Jane Lilley (who last judged us at the Welsh Kennel Club in 2016) and she had drawn an entry of 34 Keesies with 7 absentees. There were no entries in the Special Beginners Dog or Bitch class, both Minor Puppy and Novice classes, Post Graduate bitch and the Junior Bitch was absent.

It was a day of crowns as winning his 3rd CC with Best of Breed was David Peck’s Kwajongen He’s A Dandy Byquy (Ch Wund-R Y Workin For A Livin at Szaryk x Ch Byquy Pebbles at Kwajongen) handled as usual by David Matthews. Dandy won his first CC at Midland Counties in 2019 from Maggie Mulholland with his second coming the following year from Ian Blackshaw at Richmond in 2021. It was a first green card for the RDCC which went to the Puppy Dog, Matthews & Lee’s Winklestar Deneb at Valindale (Winklestar Reggie x Winklestar Serendipity) handled in the challenge by Tracy Lee.

It was also a crowning third CC for the Veteran winner, Sue and Alan Hill’s Whizzkees Ebony Silver for Plymkees (Luddelos Figaro with Valindale (Imp Swe) x Ch Whizzkees Silver Slipper AWS) Ebbie’s first CC also came from Maggie Mulholland, but in 2015 at Southern Counties and her second 7 years later at Birmingham National in 2022 from Tom Mather. I don’t think that many dogs have had such a long 8 year wait between their first and third CC, but perseverance paid off and I expect they all went home on cloud 9!! The RBCC went to the Open winner, Val Tew’s Ch Art Pride Bomb Explosive Beauty (Imp Rus) (Cinerus Arctic Prince of Star x Rus Ch Divnyi Drug Gutedal Weiser)
Best Puppy was Jean Sharp Bale’s Neradmik Pandora’s Box (Neradmik Canache at Bisukees x Ch Neradmik Grace Kelly (Imp Can))

Anji Marfleet