24 Breed Notes – Sth C’ties 2024

At Southern Counties, Keeshonds were again first in the ring with a 9.30am start for our judge ‘all-rounder’ Sue Bird (Bridus), who was awarding CC’s for the 1st time. There were 34 Keesies entered with just I absentee; with no entries in Special Beginners Dog or Bitch, Puppy bitch and Limit Dog and Open Bitch being the largest classes.

Winning his crowning third CC with Best of Breed was the Matthews’ family and Tracy Lee’s Winklestar Deneb at Valindale (Winklestar Reggie x Winklestar Serendipity) from Limit. Kurt won his first CC last year at Birmingham City from Judge Tim Ball; with his second following a week later at Richmond from Judge Sarah Hattrell. The RDCC went to the Veteran class winner, Natasha Hickson’s Ch Only The Lonley (Bert von Ricara (imp Den) x Kichigai Special Edition)

It was another BCC for Jean Sharp Bale’s Ch Neradmik Pandora’s Box (Neradmik Canache at Bisukees x Ch Neradmik Grace Kelly (Imp Can)) with the RBCC going to the winner of Limit, a delighted Tyra Church with Tykees Its Just A Phase (Shelderon Stemmig Sage with Tykees x Leazehond Amber Steppes for Tykees) It was another Best Puppy in Breed for Johnston & Atkinson’s Winklestar Namid (Vivids Majestic Prince of Winklestar (Imp USA) x Winklestar Serendipity) handled by Shelley Johnston.

Melanie Reed Peck requests that any club member who had requested a hard copy of the last Keeshond Club Newsletter and has not yet rec’d it, to please get in touch with Geraldine Clark; also the schedules for their August Ch show are now available from new printers – Have A Dog Day.

Still on the subject of ‘club stuff’ Andy Fitches has now posted out all the NoEKC’s Magazines which he didn’t manage to hand out at the last couple of shows, so if any member hasn’t rec’d theirs by the time they read these notes, please get in touch with him for a copy.

Anji Marfleet