25 Breed Notes – Blackpool 2019

Blackpool is one of the dwindling number of general Ch show who don’t alternate the group days; which for Utility and Toys always being on a Friday, has to affect the number of dogs entered. Yet again Keeshonds were first in the ring with a 9.00am start, which on a Friday means a very early start to beat all the motorway rush hour traffic. Our judge was Colin Barton (Collcrist) who last judged at the North of England’s Ch show in 2014 when he stepped in as a last minute replacement for Peter Diment. Colin had drawn an entry of 29 dogs with 5 absentees.

Winning his crowning third CC with a Best of Breed was Natasha Hickson’s Kichigai’s Only The Lonley (Bert von Ricara (imp Den) x Kichigai Special Edition) Vinnie’s first CC was at WELKS in 2017 from Frank Kane and his second at South Wales from David Robbins, also in 2017. The Reserve DCC went to Carol Bardsley’s Ch Skathki Just Got Wicked (Ch Samkees With Love to Neradmik (imp Mlt) x Ch Neradmik Ruby Slipper for Skathki) from Junior.

Colin was obviously in ‘coronation mode’ as it was also a crowning third CC for Tom & Caroline Gate’s Lacetrom Shuna ShCM (Ch Winklestar Hadar x Lacetrom Cruivie) handled as usual by daughter Michelle Wright. Ziva’s First CC was this year at SKC from Albert Wight and her second last weekend at Border Union from Tim Ball. Reserve CC went to the winner of Open, Pauline Wilson’s Gallowtree Tassel (Enreveyar Elgar x Ednaaron Mayweed at Gallowtree) handled by Richard Lemon.

Best Puppy was George and Sharon Rose’s Rossvale Endeavour to Esorkees (Zandvoort Purrsonal Life (AI) x Ch Rossvale Hidden Destiny)

Lastly a reminder that entries for our July Open Show (held after the end of judging at Leeds Ch Show) close on Monday 1st July. Car parking costs £3 if pre-booked or £5 on the day. Entry passes are available to download from the Club’s website for dogs attending the open show but who aren’t entered in the Ch show. To save time and money you can send your entry electronically to Secretary Ian Stubbings and pay by bank transfer.

Anji Marfleet