28 Breed Notes – July 2019

Last weekend at Evesham and DCS Premier Open Show, Vikki Marshall and Arabesque at Devonia won Best of Breed and Best Puppy in Breed from judge Robert Greaves (Whittimere). They then went on to win both the Utility Group and the Utility Puppy Group under judge Shelia Thomson (Tamra) Not content with that, young Ghost carried on showing his little paws off in the big ring to win Reserve Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show – again from judge Robert Greaves.

Same weekend at the opposite end of the country in Scotland at Fife KA, (which was being held in a new venue); Keesies had just one class scheduled and Karen and Ronnie Shepherd’s Lyntova I Am Legend won Best of Breed and the Utility Group from judge Pearl Crawford (Louiston) Karen and Denver then went on to win Best in Show under judge Moira Barrass.

I had delayed doing a half yearly ‘Doom & Gloom’ report in the faint hope that there might have been some more litters ‘in the pipe-line’; but unfortunately there weren’t. So far this year there has been a grand total of 9 litters resulting in just 39 puppies, 19 dogs and 20 bitches with at least 8 ‘misses’. At this rate we aren’t even going to match last year’s dismal tally of 80 puppies.

At Leeds Ch show next weekend it looks as if it’s going to be a leisurely start and later finish for Keesie exhibitors as our Ch show Judge, Derek Smith has an entry of 50 Standard Poodles to judge before he judges Keeshonds and only when that’s done then it will be the NoEKC’s turn for their open show; for which any raffle prizes will be gratefully accepted.

Anji Marfleet