31 Breed Notes – Paignton 2019

After a gap of nearly 30 years, CC’s were back again at Paignton for Keeshonds and our judge was Rick Clasby (Franric) who last judged us at Windsor in 2015. Keesies were first in the ring with a 9.30am start and were finished by around 11.30am – just in time for lunch

Rick had drawn an entry of 25 Keesies with 8 absentees. There were no entries in either of the Special Beginners classes or both Junior classes and the single entry in both Puppy Bitch and Post Graduate Bitch was absent.

The Dog CC with Best of Breed was another for Joan Miles and her daughter Sarah’s Ch Neradmik Kiss Chase with Lekkerbek (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Ch Neradmik Miss Holly Berry) with the RDCC going to Melanie Harris’ Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees JW ShCM (Ch Am Ch Kemonts Skylines Game Boy (imp USA) x Ch Lady Godiva’s Guilty Pleasures with Neradmik (imp Fin)).

Bitch CC was Sue Lindsay’s Ch Cosmic Dream’s Damn You Look Good for Mezanda (imp Nor) (Dungens Never Ending Dream x Dungens Kosmic Love) and the Reserve BCC went to Krishna Austin & Roy Johnston’s Chotahkees Don’t Stop Me Now Now (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Chotahkees Enchantress).

Best Puppy was Mel Harris’ Kichigai Boy Is Back In Town for Watchkees (Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees x Kichigai Lilac Wine)

Jill Peak was judging the Arthur Westlake Memorial Stakes and she gave Mel Harris & Toby (Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees) a first place, winning a £30 Royal Canin product voucher

The Royal Canin Puppy Stakes were judged by Thomas Mervyn-Evans; where Sharon Rose and young Morse (Rossvale Endeavour to Esorkees) won 5th place and a product voucher and he was also judging the Danco Veteran Stakes where Roger & Tina Wilkin’s Whizzkees Onyx Sampson got a 4th place and a £5 cash prize.

Some news from an excited Michelle Wright saying that she’s finally received confirmation from the Kennel Club that Lacetrom Cruivie ShCM has obtained her Veteran Warrant and can now put the letters VW after her name. Congratulations to Michelle and Kimi, who is the first Keesie to win this new award.

Whilst on the subject of veterans, an apology as in my last set of notes I forgot to mention that Best Veteran at both Leeds Ch Show and at the North of England’s Open was Ir Ch Kichigai Rare Edition at Murmansk (Natlou’s Young Pretender under Kichigai x Samkees One More Kiss to Kichigai (imp Malt)) who was ably handled by Linda Divers.

Anji Marfleet