35 & 36 Breed Notes – D’field & B’ham City 2023

There are no CC’s on offer for Keesies at Driffield, where judge Natasha Hickson (Natlou) had drawn an entry of 6 dogs with 2 absentees. Judging started at approx 11.30 and was done with by 12 o’clock.

Best Dog was Michelle, Tom & Caroline Gate’s Winklestar Alnair via Lacetrom (Vivids Majestic Prince of Winklestar (Imp USA) x Winklestar Serendipity) handled as usual by Michelle Wright. Reserve Best Dog was the winner of Open Sharon and George Rose’s Rossvale Endeavour to Esorkees (Zandvoort Purrsonal Life x Ch Rossvale Hidden Destiny)

Best Bitch, Best of Breed with Best Puppy was the only girl present, Max’s sister Abbey – Winklestar Alsephina Via Lacetrom; again handled by Michelle.

The following weekend it was all down to Stoneleigh for Birmingham City, where our judge was Tim Ball, who last judged us at Border Union in 2019. Keesies were first in the ring with which started promptly at 9.00am with the National Anthem and judging was finished by 10.45am. Tim had drawn an entry of 32 dogs with 8 absentees; there were no entries in either the Good Citizen or Special Beginners classes and both the Graduate and Post Graduate Bitch were absent.

Birmingham city was an unbenched Ch show and there seemed to be plenty of space for setting up in our hall but it did fill up quickly and although it was a hot day the hall was cool. There was also a squad of friendly cleaners going round every day doing a great job.

It was a first big green card for the Matthews family & Tracy Lee’s Winklestar Deneb at Valindale (Winklestar Reggie x Winklestar Serendipity) from Junior, with the RDCC going to the winner of Open, Sharon and George Rose’s Rossvale Endeavour to Esorkees (Zandvoort Purrsonal Life x Ch Rossvale Hidden Destiny)

The BCC with Best of Breed again went down the line to the Junior class, Jean Sharp Bale’s Ch Neradmik Pandora’s Box (Neradmik Canache at Bisukees x Ch Neradmik Grace Kelly (Imp Can)) with the RBCC going to the open winner, Mark Redler & David Wheatley’s Ch Keitakees You Are My World (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees)
Best Puppy on her first Ch show outing was Sue Pattison’s Eastkees Black Orchid (Serenaubach Full of Wonder x Eastkees Sparkling Diamond)

Anji Marfleet