37 Breed Notes – Richmond 2021

I don’t know what happened to last week, it just seemed to vanish; so apologies for a lack notes, although I have to say that I can’t even remember what I was going to write about!!

At Richmond on Sunday, Keeshonds were second in the ring after 48 Tibetan Spaniels. Our judge was Tibby specialist Ian Blackshaw who was awarding CC’s in Keesies for the first time. Judging started at 11.00am and Ian had drawn an entry of 27 dogs; but with 8 absentees, it was soon over by 12.40pm.

Dog CC with Best of Breed went to the winner of Limit, David Peck’s Kwajongen He’s A Dandy Byquy (Ch Wund-R Y Workin For A Livin at Szaryk (IMP USA) x Ch Byquy Pebbles at Kwajongen) handled by David Matthews and the RDCC with Best Puppy to Mel Harris’ Amikirs Lover Boy for Watchkees (Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees x Ch Amikirs Bubblelicious)

It was another CC for Jean Sharp Bale’s Ch Neradmik Berry’s Swan Song (Ch Samkees With Love to Neradmik (imp Mlt) x Ch Neradmik Miss Hollyberry) and a RBCC for David Peck’s Byquy Starmaker (Ch Winklestar Hadar x Byquy Walkin Boots), again handled by David Matthews.

The following has been rec’d regarding BUBA’s 49th Championship show scheduled for 4th December 2021.
The Officers and Committee of BUBA are pleased to confirm is planned to go ahead and the schedule is up on Fosse Data. We will post more detailed information about layout nearer the time. Due to ongoing issues with Covid we are trying to plan ahead in order to limit any restrictions the Government may impose nearer the day. Please be patient with us as it may be slightly different to our usual excellent show however our aim is to make it an enjoyable and safe day for all of us attending on the day.

A reminder to exhibitors that the NoEKC will be holding a raffle, so all contributions will be gratefully received and can members please return any cups & trophies they might still have to Gill Brunt.

Anji Marfleet