39 Breed Notes – September 2024

David Cavill made the following comments recently.
Analysis of the Southern Counties judges panel of 2024 suggests a worrying trend. The committee took the decision to appoint all CC breeds with ‘first time’ judges on the grounds that they were likely to attract more entries. Some certainly did, but overall our entry for CC breeds was well down. Non-CC breed entries generally increased so it can have had little to do with the management or position of the show, or the cost of entries.

On examination this appears to be because although the ‘Grandfathering’ route provided many of our new qualified judges; they had the experience, BADs and numbers to ‘pass’ for tickets, but many may not have been well known by the exhibitors in those breeds. Did they think that as they were passed for CCs there was no point in being seen beside the ring, at a breed club show or applying for breed judging lists? There may be other reasons for a drop in entries but the trend was noticeable.

There are always complaints about the ‘same old faces’ and exhibitors appreciate new judges, but it is clearly not a simple equation. Perhaps the same old faces provide comfort and stability because they are ‘known’, and the occasional ‘new’ judge then attracts entries, but those judges who have not, in the minds of exhibitors, served their ‘breed’ apprenticeship, may be less likely to be supported.

All this suggests that it is important for potential judges to make sure that they are known to the exhibitors in new breeds in which they are interested and it may be that the new process via mentoring and real time assessment which is now well under way, may be by far the best route.

Finally, a couple of reminders from Geraldine Clark and Joan Miles.
The date for room allocation at the Windmill Village Hotel at the reduced rate is almost here, we have to book the rooms we will need for the Centenary Weekend by the 15th October 2024, so if you require a room please go to the Keeshond Club website, under Keeshond Club Centenary 2025, where you will find the details of the weekend and get a booking form. Full payment must be made by the 14th February 2025. Any booking received after the 15th October 2024 will be charged at the full room rate.

The Keeshond Club open show is on the 5th October 2024 at Roade Village Hall, Bailey Brook Lane, NN7 2LS, Glenn Davies is our judge and the Special Awards judge is Carol Cavanagh. If you are able to contribute a cake for the kitchen it would be much appreciated!

Anji Marfleet