40 Breed Notes – SKC 2022

At SKC there were no CC’s on offer for Keesies, who were second in the ring after 67 French Bulldogs. Our judge was a Mr W McKay (I’m not aware of him having judged us before) who had drawn an entry of 9 dogs with 2 absentees. Judging started around 1.00pm and was all over less than half an hour later.

Best Dog with Best of Breed was the winner of the Special Beginners Dog or Bitch Class, Ron & Karen Shepherd’s Lyntova I Am Legend (Cedarhills-Shamrock Foreign Correspondent Lyntova (IKC) x Ir Ch Lyntova Midnight Dream (IKC)) Reserve Best Dog was the winner of the Open Dog or Bitch Class, Ron & Karen’s Kichigai Lord Of The Dance (Reesburg Rainbow Warrior x Thorsdale Secret Star) who was also Best Veteran.

Best Bitch was Wendy McKean’s Ch Kichigai It Takes Two at Yawren (Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees x Kichigai Lilac Wine) with the Reserve going to Wendy’s Ch Kichigai This Girl Is Mine at Yawren ((Bert Von Ricara (imp Den) x Kichigai Special Edition) Best Puppy was Sharon & George Rose’s Dianakeees Inspector Morse (Rossvale Endeavour with Esorkees x Ednaaron Moon Dance)

The NoEKC is planning on hosting a Breed Appreciation Day early next year; so if you (or anyone you might know of) need to attend for their judging advancement or just to improve their knowledge of the breed; please get in touch with the Breed Education Coordinator – Melanie Reed –Peck or anyone on our committee to register your interest.

Andy Fitches is still waiting for your contributions for the autumn edition of Walkee Talkees. The deadline is the end of October, but please let him know ASAP so that he can try and get page numbers sorted.

Anji Marfleet