41 Keeshond Breed Notes – KC open 2024

The Keeshond Club held their open show at Roade Village Hall last weekend. The judge was Glenn Davies and he had drawn an entry of 32 Keesies with 10 absentees. There were no entries in both Minor Puppy and Post Graduate classes, Puppy and Novice Dog and both the Novice and Limit Bitches were absent.

From the Veteran class, Best Dog and Best in Show was Natasha Hickson’s Ch Only The Lonley (Bert von Ricara (imp Den) x Kichigai Special Edition) with Reserve Best dog going to the Open winner, Matthews & Peck’s Ch Keitakees To Love Somebody at Byquy (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees)

Best Bitch went to the winner of Open, Jean Sharp-Bale’s Neradmik Shimmer N Shine (Imp Can) (Ikon’s Shine In The Spotlight x Neradmik Norma Jean) Reserve Best Bitch with Best Puppy in Show was Sue Pattison’s Eastkees Amber Moon (Quest’ Eastkees Del Monte Dragnone (Imp Ita) x Eastkees Purple Gem)

The NoEKC’s next shows are at Thorpe Willoughby Village Hall. YO8 9PA on Sunday 17th November. The show opens at 9.00am, with the Judging of the Open Show (judge Donna Whincup) first, starting at 9.30am followed by the Special Awards Classes (judge Charlotte Craig) and ending with the Ch show – judge Robin Searle.
Schedules for all 3 shows are available to download from Have A Dog Day. After entering you will receive a confirmation email from HADD listing all your entries. Please check that you have entered all the dogs you want in the correct show/s and class/es; as if you haven’t rec’d an email, then your entry hasn’t gone through!! Any contributions for the Raffle table would be much appreciated.

And finally, Andy Fitches has issued a plea for your Walkee Talkees contributions, which he needs by the end of October at the latest – all he has at the moment are empty pages and promises!

Anji Marfleet