43 Breed Notes – October 2023

In 2014 I wrote in my notes about the CC allocation for Keesies remaining the same – 18 general Ch shows plus the 2 breed clubs. I said at the time ‘Considering the continual decreasing entries at Ch shows, I have to say that I’m surprised that we haven’t lost any CC’s. I think the last time that we lost a set was East of England in 1998; and that was a time when it wasn’t unusual to have Keeshond entries in the 80’s and 90’s for a general Ch show.’

Then in March 2016 I again wrote about the announcement by the Kennel Club of the new CC allocation for 2019 – 2021 which revealed that keesies had gained 2 extra sets of CC’s (Paignton and Manchester); making a total of 22 sets on offer including both club championship shows. With the current numbers of keesies being shown and our very small exhibitor base; I personally was expecting us to lose CC’s – not gain more! From comments I received I wasn’t alone in thinking we already had too many CC’s on offer for the number of keesies currently being shown in the ring and the worry of ‘cheap champions’.

The Kennel Club’s continued line of thinking seems to be that by offering more CC’s that somehow the number of dogs being exhibited in general will miraculously increase – as 2024 will see even more sets of CC’s on offer. Both breed clubs have been given an extra set of CC’s provided that the show is held in partnership with a General Ch show.

So despite show entries plummeting over the past 25 years; we have gone from 20 sets of CC’s offered annually with entries in the high 80’s & 90’s (and in the 100’s for Crufts and Club Ch shows) to 25 sets and entries now in the 20’s and 30’s (40’s & 50’s for Crufts & Club Ch shows)

What do you think? Do we have too many CC’s for our numbers? Are they resulting in ‘cheap champions’? Would the number of entries improve if there were fewer shows with CC’s?

Then last week came the latest announcement from The Kennel Club Board, agreeing a recommendation that for a two year trial period starting from 1 January 2024, the regulations that prevent judges both officiating at one show and exhibiting at a partnership show will be removed, in a continued effort to boost entries and encourage the rising number of partnership shows. This decision aims to provide exhibitors with more opportunities to show their dogs, whilst reducing the amount of travel needed. It also hopes to support societies with the selection and appointment of Judges.

The new changes, which will come into effect on 1 January 2024, are as follows: Relaxation of Regulations F(1)20.h and F(1)30.a(10) for a two year-trial period:

Helen Kerfoot, Chief Operating Officer (Activities and Events) at The KC commented: “Many breed clubs are running their club shows alongside larger shows which helps with costs for both organisers and exhibitors. The two-year relaxation of the partnership regulation gives individuals the opportunity to show their dogs, even if they are officiating at a partnership show, which will hopefully help to increase entries at partnership shows and encourage even more breed clubs to work together and ‘partner up’ with larger shows. The changes will be reviewed when the two-year trial period has ended.”

The Kennel Club would also like to highlight the ‘Code of Best Practice for Judges’ which states that judges are expected to judge on the merits of the dog in competition and consider no other factors. It is important that judges and exhibitors are mindful of the perception of their actions to allow for a fair, yet competitive hobby.

Anji Marfleet