46 Breed Notes – NoEKC Ch 2019

Sunday morning saw a brief respite from the continual rain that we’ve been having recently, so the committee were able to unload and set up the show without getting soaked. Many thanks to those exhibitors who, arriving early, helped set out the rings etc. Despite being ‘casually informed’ by the caretaker upon arrival that the boiler was broken and that there was no heating, a warm welcome (& hot bacon butties) greeted exhibitors at the Brodsworth Miners Welfare Hall. The Club held its first Championship Show in Yorkshire there in 1970, and apart from a couple of years in Leeds; we have been there ever since. Nearly fifty years of holding our championship show at the same venue must be a record of some sort, although if the heating doesn’t get fixed it may well be the last!!

Our judge was breed specialist, Krishna Austin (Chotahkees) (who last judged us at Richmond in 2016) and she had drawn an entry of 68 dogs with 21 absentees – equally divided between the dogs and bitches for a change! The biggest classes were the dogs with 9 entered in Limit (3ab) and 7 in Open (2ab) and surprisingly it was Post Graduate Dog which had no entries!

It was a first big green card for the winner of Limit Dog, Sue Pattison’s Serenaubach Full of Wonder (Quasars Brilliant Light van het Earlskamp x Torrikees Shakira among Serenaubach) who is just out of Junior. The RDCC went to Yearling winner, Sharon and George Rose’s Rossvale Endeavour to Esorkees (Zandvoort Purrsonal Life x Ch Rossvale hidden Destiny)

It was also a first big green card with BIS for the winner of Junior Bitch, Jean Sharp Bale’s Neradmik Berry’s Swansong ( Ch Samkees With Love to Neradmik x Ch Neradmik Miss Hollyberry) and the RBCC went to
Jane Saunders’ Liefkees Adina (Ch Wund-R Y Workin For A Livin at Szaryk (Imp USA) x Liefkees Angelika) from Limit.

Best Puppy was Wendy McKean’s Kichigai It Takes Two (Ch Neradmik All About The Boy for Watchkees x Kichigai Lilac Wine) and Best Veteran was David’s Peck & Matthews & Urszula Ransley’s Ch Wund-R Y Workin For A Livin at Szaryk (Imp USA)(Am Ch Wund-R Y’s Best Kept Secret x Am Ch K_Central’s Nobody’s Fool) handled by David Matthews.

The Club was delighted that Doris Purdon (accompanied by her son Christopher) could again make the journey north to present the Best Handler at the Club’s Championship Show Trophy which she awarded to Natasha Hickson. Doris said that it had been quite a difficult decision and that she wanted to commend Charlotte Craig who was a very close runner up.

The Golden Oldie rosette for the oldest dog entered and shown was won by Tom & Caroline Gates and Michelle Wright’s Lacetrom Cruivie ShCM VW.

In the kitchen, Christina and Nicola Barton helped by Colin, Nicky Potts and Debbie Palmer were kept busy selling hot food and home-made cakes and they made a tasty profit of £181.

The raffle table was manned by Ann Toward, helped by Lynn Mayes & with Sue Pattison who was in charge of selling tickets for a laden table; no-one managed to escape her ‘powers of persuasion’ and she took £181. The £50 Lucky Catalogue Prize number was won by Debbie Palmer.

I was busy on the door, handing out catalogues and the AGM ‘stuff’ with latest issue of Walkee Talkees, February Open show schedules and the Club’s Information Booklet. If you weren’t there to collect, your copies have been posted out snail mail and if you haven’t received them by next week; please get in touch with Secretary Ian Stubbings.

All three of the Club’s shows this year have again been sponsored by Happy Dog, who generously provided 1k bags of food for all class winners and large sacks for all the main winners.

The show was all done and dusted by 3.30pm. Not only was it still daylight, but it managed to stop raining again, making it much easier for everyone packing away all their goodies and loading up cars.

Anji Marfleet