48 Breed Notes – November 2020

By now you should all have received your copy of the autumn issue of Walkee Talkees, along with an updated Rules & Regs booklet and a membership contact list. If you haven’t rec’d yours by now, please get in touch with Andy Fitches and he can send you out another copy. Whilst on the subject of mailings etc, can you all please check that your address details etc are correct in the new list? Some errors & typos which have been recently corrected have been wrong for years!!!

You may have noticed that the magazine is a little thinner than usual. Well, Andy has the same problem as I do with these notes – there’s a limit as to what either of us can cobble together to put in if no-one sends us their views and news.

The Kennel Club has just released news that Crufts 2021 is being postponed until July (still at the NEC) with Utility day being on Friday 16th, which is the weekend before we are hoping to hold our cancelled 2020 Ch show in conjunction with Leeds Ch show. Looks like July has the potential to be a busy month for some of us!! Further details on qualifications etc can be (eventually) found on their website (www.crufts.org.uk) which is marginally better than the Kennel Club’s main website. The main difference for 2021 is that there will be no puppy classes; and certainly for keesies I can’t see that there will be many (if any) juniors or yearlings either and it’s only 1st & 2nd placings which count towards qualifying, no 3rd’s.

Most of you will have heard by now that Brodsworth Miners Welfare Hall has now closed and will not be re-opening its doors. The trustees were reliant on the hall hire fees and I suspect that (like many venues) coronavirus restrictions and lockdowns has been the final straw. The Club held its first Championship Show in Yorkshire at Brodsworth in 1970 and apart from a couple of years in Leeds; we have been there ever since. Almost fifty years of holding our championship show at the same venue must be a record of some sort, although nothing lasts forever.

As time is not on our side to find another venue, (and that’s without the added complications of coronavirus restrictions & lockdowns etc); the Committee have decided to hold our 2021 Club Ch show in conjunction with Darlington Ch show on Sunday September 19th. Our judge is Gustaaf van den Bosch who will be awarding CC’s in England for the 1st time.

This means we are looking for a suitable new venue to hold our 2022 (and all future) Ch show – any suggestions that any of you might have will be gratefully receive by Ian. The only provisos being that the dog friendly venue must be somewhere in the north of England, have a kitchen, plenty of car parking and most importantly – heating that works!!

Anji Marfleet