51 Breed Notes – LKA 2018

Our judge for LKA was Karin Hickson (Kichigai) who was awarding CC’s for the 2nd time (her 1st appointment was at Leeds in 2015) and Karin had drawn an entry of 35 dogs with 15 absentees. Keesies were 3rd in the ring after 57 Shibas and 69 Japanese Spitz; judging didn’t start until around 2.30pm despite there being empty rings seemingly available.

Behaving himself for the third week, it was third time lucky as winning his first big green card with Best of Breed was Nichola Kerr’s Levi Altere V Kees Uit De Polder’s (Imp Nld) (Keesbrook Boots Made F’Walking x Is Het Magie V Kees Uit De Polder’s) from Post Graduate. Reserve DCC was Joan Miles & daughter Sarah Dean’s Ch Neradmik Kiss Chase with Lekkerbek (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Ch Neradmik Miss Hollyberry).

It was a crowning third CC for Audrey White’s Neradmik Vanilla Ice Morvania Bitch (Ch Samkees With Love to Neradmik (imp Malt) x Ch Neradmik Miss Hollyberry) Her first CC came last year at LKA from Swedish judge Hans Almgren and her second CC was earlier this year at WELKS from Brian Curry

Winning her first RBCC with Best Puppy was Caron Bell’s Foxifayre Keep The Faith With Allforus (AI) who is from a repeat mating of Ch Winklestar Hadar x Keestorpets Dazzler (imp Swe)

At Bridlington & DCS open show at the weekend, my Flatmeer Flaithri won Best Puppy AVNSC and then went on to win Utility Puppy Group 1 under Judge Richard Stafford (Farnfield) Bridlington’s show is famous for its Christmas tombola table; but I think that this year the committee excelled themselves. There were eight (yes 8 – not a typo!) tables absolutely laden with prizes, ranging from very large cuddly toys, bottles of spirits down to Christmas doggy stockings; which attracted a steady line of exhibitors queuing to buy tickets for most of the day. Needless to say, all I managed to win was a large tube of smarties!

Some good news for breed judges, as the Kennel Club has announced that there will be no licence fee payable for single breed judges approved to award Challenge Certificates by 1 July 2019. In order to qualify for a free licence and maintain it, judges must not aspire to award CCs in any additional breeds.

These judges will be exempt from paying a fee provided they apply for their licence between the latter half of 2019, when the JCF online system goes live, and the end of 2020. After this period, the option of a free licence will no longer be available and all single breed CC judges will be charged £10 annually for the duration of their judging career. It appears that the KC have finally listened to the numerous complaints made by ‘single breed’ judges and have conceded that one size (or fee) doesn’t fit all!!

The previously announced £26 annual licence fee will apply to judges who award CCs in more than one breed, including those who judge a breed with more than one variety (eg Dachshunds and Poodles). This charge also applies to any licensed judge who judges more than one breed at JCF Level 2 or above (entitled to judge more than 3 (4) classes at open shows), including single breed CC judges who aspire to judge a further breed at CC level.

With the recent cold spell (and more cold weather forecast), the lucky ones amongst you will have had well gritted roads. Dogs (and cats) walk through the substances left by the gritters clearing the roads and from car drivers defrosting their windscreens etc – they then lick their paws. Consuming rock salt can cause problems including dehydration, liver failure and pancreatitis; while antifreeze contains ethylene glycol – a sweet tasting chemical which can be lethal when ingested. Every year hundreds of pets throughout the country become seriously ill, sometimes fatally, because of the antifreeze substances used during a cold snap.

So please remember that if you walk your dog on gritted roads/paths, make sure that their paws are washed; either by walking them through fresh snow, unfrozen puddles away from the gritted surfaces or by dipping their feet in clean water once back at home.

Included amongst all the NoEKC annual ‘club stuff’ sent out recently, was information on how to pay your subs electronically. If any of you out there wish to save paper and postage, please email me & I will forward you all the relevant details.

Now the shows are over Trophy Steward Gill Brunt would like all your claims for the Club’s annual trophies by the 10th January 2019. Full details of how to claim & a claims form can be downloaded from the Club’s website www.north-of-england-keeshond-club.co.uk.

All that remains now is for me to wish you and all your four legged friends a Merry Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year.

Anji Marfleet