Books on Keeshonden

These are just some of the books that have been written about Keeshonden. Most of these books listed are now out of print. The ‘classics’ are treasured by breeders worldwide; but they can be ocassionally found for sale – generally at vast expense! The Club sometimes gets donated copies, which are usually auctioned at its…

Useful Books

THE DOGLOPEDIA by J M Evans and Kay White. Published by Henston Excellent, easy to read basic guide to your dogs health. Easy to follow sections for common health conditions and mishaps CARING FOR YOUR OLDER DOG by Chris Pinney DVM. Published by Barrons. ISBN no: 0-8120-9149-3 Written by an American veterinarian to explain the…


Below are some links to other sites that may of interest to Keeshond owners. As they are independant of the North of England Keeshond Club their content is not controlled or endorsed by the Club, its committee or its members.

Breed Standard of the Keeshond

A breed Standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for purpose. Absolute soundness is essential. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions or exaggerations which would be in any way detrimental to the health,…

Historical Affixes

There have been kennels in the past which have played a significant role in developing both the Club and the breed. In recognition of their contribution, the North of England Keeshond Club has ensured that these important affixes are preserved for the next 50 years. BOREASVALE – Jean Hardcastle VORDEN – Rene Tucker WISTONIA –…