37 Breed Notes – Richmond 2023

At Richmond Keesies were third in the ring after Mini Schnauzers and Jap Spitz, where our judge was Sarah Hattrell who was awarding CC’s in the breed for the first time. She had drawn an entry of 23 dogs with 5 absentees; there were no entries in either the Minor Puppy or Special Beginners classes, the Post Graduate Dog was absent and there were no entries in both Puppy and Yearling Bitch. Judging started at 2.00pm and was over and done by 3.15pm.

Winning his second CC with Best of Breed was the Matthews family & Tracy Lee’s Winklestar Deneb at Valindale (Winklestar Reggie x Winklestar Serendipity) from Junior, handled as usual by David Matthews. The RDCC went to Natasha Hickson’s Ch Kichigai’s Only The Lonley (Bert von Ricara (imp Den) x Kichigai Special Edition) from Veteran.

The BCC again went down the line to the Junior class, Jean Sharp Bale’s Ch Neradmik Pandora’s Box (Neradmik Canache at Bisukees x Ch Neradmik Grace Kelly (Imp Can)) with the RBCC going to the open winner, Mark Redler & David Wheatley’s Ch Keitakees You Are My World (Ch Neradmik Family Affair with Lekkerbek x Byquy Kinky Boots at Keitakees)

Best Puppy was Lisa Axford & Steve Sherwood’s Watermyth Jewel Of The Nest (Aslan von der Diebischen Elster x Lilli Marlina of Watermyth)

The same weekend saw The Dog Lover Show return to the SEC in Glasgow. The NoEKC again manned a stand to help spread awareness of our wonderful breed; with Charlotte Craig running the stand for both days with the help of some 2 & 4 legged friends!
Saturday’s line up was Talyn & Jura (with Charlotte & Shelagh Craig) and 6 month old puppy Heidi (with new member Ann Parker) who did brilliantly for her first public event! On Sunday, Talyn & Jura were joined by Ruby, Tara and Mika (with Shirley & Tom Johnstone). Ruby & Tara are registered TheraPet’s so felt right at home with the crowds of people wanting a ‘keesie cuddle’.
Over the course of the weekend the stand was packed with people either wanting to learn more about the breed, or just wanting to pet some very fluffy dogs. We even had some visitors from current keesie owners and their relatives – a lovely welcome. A lot of visitors were very impressed at how well behaved all dogs present were on the stand, also about our ever improving health and welfare schemes. By the end of the weekend all dogs (and humans for that matter) were thoroughly tired out. A successful weekend I would say!
Thanks to Charlotte for that report.

And last, but certainly not least – a reminder from Andy Fitches that he would like all your contributions for the Autumn issue of Walkee Talkees by the end of the month.

Anji Marfleet